We are ranked #13 out of 639 banks in U. S. with asset size between $100 - $249 million by CB Resource, Inc. for the first quarter of 2024.

Enhanced Security Login

United Pacific Bank is working hard to protect you from fraud and identity theft when using our online banking. We are adding Enhanced Security Login for additional security measures.

The setup is easy:

Step: 1 Type in the email address.

Step: 2 Select all three challenge questions and answers.

Step: 3 Select whether to register the computer. Only register computer if you use it frequently and not a public computer.

Step: 4 Click Submit

Enhanced Security

The next time you login to our online banking service, if the system doesn’t recognize the computer you are using to log in, it will prompt you to answer one of the three security questions you previously created. Please contact (626) 965-6230 ext. 135 if you have any questions.